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Why chose react-native over native app development?

Cross-platform dev offers benefits over native. This blog delves into reasons and shares data to guide you.

Blackhole Software · 3 minute read
  1. Cross-platform development: React Native allows developers to create apps for both iOS and Android with a single codebase, saving time and reducing development costs.

  2. Improved performance: React Native uses native components, which are faster and more responsive than HTML-based alternatives.

  3. Ease of use: React Native has a simple, intuitive, and flexible syntax, making it easier for developers to create high-quality apps.

  4. Large community: React Native has a large and active community, making it easier to find answers to questions, support, and new tools.

  5. Hot Reloading: React Native allows for fast iteration and debugging by allowing developers to see changes made to the code immediately.

  6. Reusable code: React Native provides a reusable codebase, which makes it easier to maintain, test, and upgrade apps.

  7. Access to Native Features: React Native provides access to native device functionality, allowing for the creation of high-performance, feature-rich apps.

Cost savings: By using React Native, developers can write a single codebase for both iOS and Android platforms, which saves time and money compared to writing separate codes for each platform. Additionally, React Native has a vast library of pre-built components and modules, reducing the time and effort required for app development. This leads to faster development times and lower development costs, making React Native an attractive choice for businesses.

Maintainability: React Native allows developers to reuse code across different platforms, making it easier to maintain the codebase. With a single codebase, fixing bugs and adding new features is more efficient and less time-consuming. The modular architecture of React Native also makes it easier to understand and maintain the code, as well as test and debug it. Additionally, the large community of developers and active development of React Native means that new tools and updates are regularly released, making it easier to maintain the app over time.

Availability of JavaScript Developers: JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages and has a large pool of skilled developers. This makes it easier to find and hire developers with the skills required to build and maintain React Native apps. Additionally, JavaScript developers can transition to React Native more easily compared to learning a new programming language, reducing the learning curve and ramp-up time for development teams.

Availability of Native Developers: Native app development requires specialized skills in either Objective-C or Swift for iOS, or Java for Android. These skills can be more difficult to find, and native developers are often in higher demand and command higher salaries. Additionally, developing and maintaining separate codebases for iOS and Android can be more time-consuming and expensive, requiring a larger development team.

In conclusion, the availability of JavaScript developers can be an advantage for React Native, as it makes it easier to find skilled developers and get started with app development. However, native app development has its advantages as well, particularly for apps that require the use of platform-specific features and high performance.

Native mobile apps